I Want To Be One Of The Cool Kids...

C'mon, don't let Lindsey Leavitt think I'm that kid who eats paste in the back of the classroom...you know who I'm talking about, the kid that no one wants to sit by! Check out my guest post on her blog (and leave a comment) so she'll let me sit at the cool table (and by "cool table" I mean hang out at her blog, of course!).

Oh, and don't forget...I'm signing tomorrow at the South Seattle Public Library with WHISPER author Phoebe Kitanidis:

6:30pm - 7:45pm
Seattle Public Library, Southwest Branch
9010 35th Ave. SW
Seattle, WA

I'll give you free goodies if you come. And who doesn't want free goodies??? (I'm SO not above a little bribery.)


Unknown said…
I'd love to stop by, sadly I live in Arkansas and just can't make it. :(
Tammara Webber said…
Amanda, we'll just have to wait for her to come south :(
Beverly said…
Sadly, I too do not live anywhere close - Minnesota. I truly enjoyed The Body Finder! Amazing story!